(Every first Wednesday of the month!)
A cross-disciplinary salon that encourages a creative dialogue between science, art, technology, ethics and politics. Through a theatrical fun debate, we invite individuals from these equal and fundamental cogs of culture to offer us a multi-faceted perspective - from the personal everyday to broader societal questions. (FUN not serious, we promise!)

[FEB 8th]
'Modern Love:
What's the Heart of the Matter?'
Since D.H. Lawrence’s scandalous Lady Chatterley's Lover, Theophile Gautier’s banned Mademoiselle de Maupin, or the emergence of the term “French Kiss” in the 19th century, our ideas on love have evolved quickly and have taken many passionate forms.
In this Dialogue we will consider love from myriad, interconnected perspectives. Our expert speakers, will offer illuminating insights on everything from new scientific discoveries on the influence of hormones on attraction to the effects of technology on relationships to changing cultural norms, gender roles, and attitudes on marriage. Together, we will catalyze a colourful dialogue exploring the complex nature of modern love and the future of romance in society.
From serial monogamy to polyamory, from forever to just for now, from idealised romance to practical hormones, we invite you to join the coupling of Jugular Productions and The Public Sphere for a titillating special edition Valentine’s Dialogue!
Format of Dialogue.
(pay close attention now)
Seated in an informal circle (with audience in surrounding concentric circles), each speaker elaborates on their expertise of the general topic and their stance on the specific question.
We then move to a fun 'dialogue' where speakers complement and challenge each other in a debate style, offering perspectives ranging from personal lifestyle or career choices to implications on our wider society. Each speaker will have up to 2 mins at any one time (enforced by the chair with a melodious gong!) and can only do so through the "Dialogue Phone” (a technological triumph!)
After a couple of rounds, the 'dialogue' will be opened up to you, the audience, for an opportunity to engage with the speakers (once again through the brilliant invention that is the “Dialogue Phone”).